Sunday, 14 October 2012

Reaping Day- Primrose Everdeen

Prim's outfit was very basic but very pretty. She wore 'sensible' kicker style clunky shoes with a pretty puffed sleeved white blouse with lace detail and a flared greeny grey and white floral skirt. She also of course has her Mocking-jay in pinned on her blouse and has her hair in the famous two braid style. She looked very pretty even though the colours are basic and quite drab, the whole of District 12 was drab though so Prim wasn't the only one. There are tons of easy do it yourself videos where you can achieve the look yourself.

In this scene you realise just how fragile she is and just how big a heart she has and just how much she loves her sister Katniss and how Katniss always has been and always will be her stronghold.


Reaping Day- Primrose Everdeen

Primrose Everdeen plays quite a big part in these books and her biggest moment is definitely her first Reaping Day. After turning twelve she was entered into the huge Reaping Bowl with all the other  12- 18 year olds in District 12. 

Sunday, 16 September 2012

May the Odds be ever in your favour!

Reaping Day- Effie Trinket 

The Reaping day is one of the most exciting and significant scenes in the book, the film and probably in the whole series. If Prim's name hadn't been reaped Katniss wouldn't have volunteered won, had to pretend to be in love with a boy and eventually lead a rebellion!

Effie's exact outfit she wore on
Reaping Day

One of the most hard thought and designed part of the reaping scene was surprisingly (Ok maybe not that surprisingly) Effie's outfit!!! In tons of interviews Elizabeth Banks says she spend ages in hair and make up perfecting the look from the kabuki lip to the Marie Antoinette hair Effie had to be perfect!!!

The outfit was a skirt suit with a high waisted fuchsia pencil skirt and a pink blazer with (extremely) ruched shoulders. The simple very low black v neck t- shirt underneath the suit match her very high lace up heels that remind me of heeled converse quite a lot. Then of course we have the accessories. The big pink flower detail necklace and the huge pink rose head piece she wears on a powder pink wig. The hair and make up must also be mentioned the pink eyes and lips and cheeks on the chalk white skin look just perfect very Victorian and at the same time very modern, that is Effie's look to a tee.

Of course Effie's role in this scene and the movie in general is very important. She is kind of like the District 12 tributes manager. She pulls them out of the reaping bowl she travels with them, gets to know them, gets to like them, gives them advice and then in most cases watches them die a cruel, and often violent or painful death. Saying Effie is just another cruel Capitoler is wrong, she supported and helped so many people and I think Effie is one of those unsung heroes so Effie we salute you and your outrageous dress sense, because doing a job like that I think takes real guts!                                                                                                                                                                    

One of the best books I ever read!

Hunger Games Book Review!!!

So far I have only spoken about the film and not really mentioned the book. Of course the book made the film and every true HG fan owns a copy, whether it was boxed and vacuum packed and put away for safe keeping or it shows pride of place on a shelf or perhaps it's 'loved' (dog eared and ripped) and is always on your bedside table because you read it over and over and over again! Whatever you do with it you loved it and really enjoyed because if you didn't why are you here???

Of course the book from me was 5 stars with an exceptional fluent and easy to read style, the entertainment factor kept me reading, the drama kept me hanging and the love story kept me crying. The descriptions blew my mind filling them with pictures and exciting images and of course I saw the the celebs I thought perfect for the role. I dreamed of the arena, I felt Glimmer's pain and I saw the cold cruel eyes of the muttations. I sung along with the lullaby and whistled to Rue and of course imagined the chariot costumes. 

The book was a truly vivid, imaginative and dramatic book I loved it so much especially the cave scene and the reaping day. It was one of those books you can't put down and even though this sounds corny it changes you and makes you realise the horrors the future could hold and make you rush to get the next book.


The reason the world was watching!

Trailer Time

Every single person in this world cannot call themselves a Hunger Games fan if they didn't prior to the release of the film watch the trailer a million times. I know I did. 

The trailer was the thing that made people rush to the cinema to see this film and the thing that made people by the book and have it signed. The trailer made the Hunger Games the worldwide phenomenon  it is now.

Many Hunger Games fans will say there would be no film without the book, however if you are English like me you hadn't even heard about the book until your friend told you to check out the trailer on YouTube and you instantly started to buy and read the trilogy go to school every day with a Katniss braid and of course cover your walls in
Josh Hutcherson posters, the trailer for me made me realise just what I was 

You probably haven't watched the trailer for a while but here it is so check it out
and relive the magic and excitement.


Hi I'm the Hunger Games Girl!!!

You can rely on me and my blog for all Hunger Games news
and views. I will have tons of info on tours and the books
and the celebs and of course what they're wearing!!!
I'm sure you will return to my site to see the sort of things 
I post an write. See you guys soon and may the 
odds be ever in your favour!