Sunday, 16 September 2012

One of the best books I ever read!

Hunger Games Book Review!!!

So far I have only spoken about the film and not really mentioned the book. Of course the book made the film and every true HG fan owns a copy, whether it was boxed and vacuum packed and put away for safe keeping or it shows pride of place on a shelf or perhaps it's 'loved' (dog eared and ripped) and is always on your bedside table because you read it over and over and over again! Whatever you do with it you loved it and really enjoyed because if you didn't why are you here???

Of course the book from me was 5 stars with an exceptional fluent and easy to read style, the entertainment factor kept me reading, the drama kept me hanging and the love story kept me crying. The descriptions blew my mind filling them with pictures and exciting images and of course I saw the the celebs I thought perfect for the role. I dreamed of the arena, I felt Glimmer's pain and I saw the cold cruel eyes of the muttations. I sung along with the lullaby and whistled to Rue and of course imagined the chariot costumes. 

The book was a truly vivid, imaginative and dramatic book I loved it so much especially the cave scene and the reaping day. It was one of those books you can't put down and even though this sounds corny it changes you and makes you realise the horrors the future could hold and make you rush to get the next book.


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